Lawrence Saunders
Lawrence Saunders from Gillam, MB says "161 marten, 4 wolves, 2 Wolverine, and also 13 red/cross foxes, and 4 arctic foxes… thanks for the supplies guys !"
Lawrence Saunders from Gillam, MB says "161 marten, 4 wolves, 2 Wolverine, and also 13 red/cross foxes, and 4 arctic foxes… thanks for the supplies guys !"
Joe from Regina, SK with his great catch of coyotes!
Mel with a beaver caught in a leg hold trap - used the MelRay trap setters for setting and release !
Jason Cull of St John's Newfoundland took this beaver with the help of Forsyth Animal Lures "Beaver Call" !
12 hours after setting the trap and using a little lure.... the rest is history !
"Best catch - 8 coyotes on one bait with Power Rams"
Kelly Pickens from Assiniboia, SK proudly displays his latest catch!
WOW! A 97-pound beaver caught by Eugene Farnden of Hazelwood, SK !!!!
Chris from Saskatoon says: "The Forsyth marten and fisher lure is the worst smelling thing ever. But sure works. Couldn’t keep fisher away! Here’s the nicest"
Thx again
"Here is a picture of my son Hunter (7 years old) with part of our 2018-2019 catch. He wears that toque everywhere he goes that you gave him last fall when we ran down for trap supplies. Total fur count was 26 coyote, 8 fox, 16 marten, 8 otter, 1 fisher, 4 beaver, 7 mink and 8 weasels. Thanks for the great service and will be down again next fall for a supply run."
"I just wanted to say thank you again as I remain impressed with your Dam Beaver Coyote Lure as well as other lure lines.
I set a new location for coyotes on Jan. 2/17 and used the lure as I always do.
It was -41C that night with a steady breeze blowing throughout the night. The following morning of Jan 3/17, I had 7 beautiful fully primed coyotes to collect. I contribute alot of that overnight success to your superb line of lure products. It works effectively even in extremely cold conditions which is important for me as a deep winter trapper.
I say this to all trappers - I recommend this canine lure and strongly suggest to give it a try. It will increase your catch rates. This has been proven on my traplines time and time again."
"Hi Ian. I just wanted to send you a quick message saying thanks again for the beaver lure that you sent me on my last trap order from you.
The texture of the lure is perfect and beavers can't resist it. I do a fair bit of problem beaver trapping and its nice to use a lure that gets them all on the first night.
I will definitely be ordering more for this coming spring.
Thanks again"
"Hey Ian, thought you'd like to check out this brute I snared!! If it wasn't for your shop being so quick and helpful I may not have got the opportunity to take this. So I thank you and your wife for everything! The beaver hasn't been weighed yet but I figure 70lbs or more, I'm 6'4 350lbs and this beaver looks like half of me! Thanks again!"